So, you've made the decision to build a custom home. Now comes the next step: Finding yourself a builder. You might be tempted to go with the first custom home builder you come across just because you're in a hurry to get to the next step, but don't! Taking some time to research properly will pay off in the end when your new home is finished with a minimal amount of problems, issues or extra costs, and you finally have the house you've always dreamed of.
Get your questions straight
Make a list of questions you have about how they work, what standards they adhere to, how much time they usually take on building a single house, etc., and send it to their office. Some questions will be able to be answered by email like this, but other questions you really want to meet with the builder in person in order to see how seriously they take the issue.
Make an appearance
You definitely want to visit their office in person in order to make sure that they are a legitimate company. Ask to see their license and permit to operate in their area as well as proof of how long they have been operating there. While you're there, ask about the warranty they provide and ask to see any materials you can of previous projects. If you can, also ask to be toured around any houses built by them, and inspect every detail first-hand.
Look to the past
Any reputable custom home builder will have a history of building homes in any period and type of economy. How has the builder's company been doing financially for the past two or three years? Look at their activities during a recession or during a time when the economy was tough; did they still receive jobs on a consistent basis? If so, chances are better that you are dealing with a quality builder company that can be trusted.
Pay attention to communication
How much a builder chooses to communicate with you about your future home as well as their past homes says volumes about how trustworthy they are. If the builder is happy to share stories and details of their projects, that can be a sign of confidence and past successes. If on the other hand they do not want to discuss them or seem vague or hazy when discussing yours, you might want to look around some more.
Don't go alone
When you are making a decision of this type, you are ultimately deciding upon something that will affect you for many years down the road, if not for the rest of your life. Be sure to have someone beside you that has had experience in the past with buildilng a custom home, or knows the custom home industry well themselves. This type of know-how can make all the difference between choosing a builder that's going to hang you up with problems and uncertainties, and one that will quickly and effectively deliver the home you've always dreamed of.
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