Monday, December 10, 2012

Expert Advice is Just an Audio Podcast Away

Podcasts are digital media files that can be downloaded over the Internet. They are fast expanding in popularity as effective communication methods, especially in the advertising world. The availability of free software (pod catchers) for retrieving audio podcasts has further escalated their popularity. Most famous pod catchers include Apple Inc's iTunes and Null soft's Win amp.

Yahoo and iTunes are the best websites for downloading podcasts covering a wide range of topics, while other websites such as Doppler and Juice offer an equally good service. Listeners can utilize various sources for listening to audio podcasts. Also, they can access audio archives of programs they like, online.

This popularity of audio podcasts have ensured that the content delivered through them are reliable, informative and of good quality. Due to the heavy competition in the corporate world for advertising and communicating to target markets via audio podcasts, the quality of the content being delivered keeps improving day by day.

To our audio podcast fans, this is good news. Now you can access expert advice on a wide range of topics in an easy to download, easy to comprehend, easy to listen to file format. A wealth of resources, only a click away! Go online and access information on a wide range of topics, delivered by the experts in the respective fields. Start podcasting today...

On podcasts and their popularity...

iTunes claim their web traffic has skyrocketed within a year to an audience of over 6 million visitors.

What does this imply? Better services on a broader range of topics.

Many corporate giants have started concentrating on audio podcasting for a wide range of services from advertising to improving investor relations, and so much more. They are hiring experts in the respective fields to publish podcasts on a range of topics, from talk shows to trainings to interviews and various other marketing and promotional campaigns.

A podcast can be published in a few basics steps. In a nutshell, they include: · Recording the podcast · Saving as an MPC file · Uploading to the server · Creating a RSS feed · Publishing the RSS feed · Promote the podcast

The simplicity of the process ensures more and more information is shared via audio podcasts. As educative material, advertising material, publicizing material, podcasts are a wonderful tool, offering personalized features in easy to manipulate formats.

When expert advice is only an audio podcast away, why look elsewhere? Become an exclusive audio podcast user and experience a whole new informative world full of fascination!

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Google Ads To Become More Relevant And Straight To The Point

The search engine giant, Google, declared their intention to place more paid ads on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page) during a candid conversation between a group of computer enthusiasts including professionals and Google topshot Matt Cutts who participated in an interesting discussion in a "Hacker News thread", in response to an article from Jitbit, called, "Google Search is only 18% Search". Matt Cutts defended the decision saying, relevant paid ads are often more useful than search results. He backed it with an example of the search result for "ATT cordless phones" where paid ad proved to be more useful than even the topmost ranked website. He also pointed out that there are "tons of searches" where Google doesn't show ads. I actually verified the last claim myself. I Googled for my name which I share with a prominent poet. Against my expectations, Google didn't show me where I can buy his books online. No ads!

On the other hand, Alex Yumashev, the author of the article behind this uproar, showed how Google has reduced the screen real estate for the organic search results from 53% to a surprising 18.5%. In other words, only 1/5th of the page shows search results and remaining area displays other information like Knowledge Graph, Search Plus Your World, Gmail results and of course paid ads. More paid ads mean even lesser search result on the SERP. Many website administrators and computer professionals are already finding it alarming.

There are two points to note. Mr Yumashev conceded that he used the example of a SERP which has a high ad density. Mr Cutts on the other hand stressed the point that Google takes utmost care to place ads in subtle and non-intrusive way and Google also make sure the ads the relevant and have a good destination page. When we combine these points together the allegation against Google is somewhat subdued.

SEO companies are getting ready for this planned shift in a different way. As Google will be displaying more ads means ads will be more prominently placed and there are more chances than ever to get a click on the ad. Thus, along with bringing up the website in the organic search result using the traditional SEO techniques, companies may have to shell out more money to get a part of the sponsored results section of the SERP.

Will more clutters on an already heavily cluttered Google SERP please the user by being useful like most of the Google products or will they move to Bing who is frantically trying to get a bigger share of the search engine market pie? Only time can tell and we, at Search Eccentric, are eagerly waiting.

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The Benefits of Writing Online Content Consistently

As a business owner, you have made a commitment to not only posting content but doing on a consistent and regular basis. Quality is critical but quantity is not to be forgotten. As the writer, that can be very beneficial.

Blogging is a wonderful and extremely effective method for getting your content noticed, which will enable you to build lasting and mutually beneficial relationships. It is clear that if you post valuable content, your readers will benefit from it. However, what you may not realize is how many benefits you, as the writer, may also get from the content that you post. The more content you share, the more influence you will gain with other people. You are boosting your professional reputation and you are increasing your exposure, which is essential for your business's success. If you aren't sure about whether you are gaining influence among your peers and colleagues, there are some analytics tools that can help you to determine this. Klout is one such example. Klout is an assessment tool that measures your online influence. Google Analytics is another excellent tool that will supply you with all sorts of valuable information.

The value of consistently fresh content

There is a tremendous amount of value in providing consistently fresh content. Your online popularity will increase tremendously as people start to read what you are sharing. The online portion of your business is very much a word-of-mouth business. If people like what they read, they will share it with their friends, who will share it with their friends, etc. If you want to remain at the top of your game and be the first person whom others think of when they need the type of products and/or services that you are offering, you need to offer valuable information on a very regular basis. People will definitely respond to you if you are consistent and you make sure to let them know that you have the ability to solve their problems. You should always keep in mind the marketing principle WIIFM (What's In It For Me). No matter how wonderful you and your business might be, the person on the other end doesn't care about that. All he or she cares about is whether you are able to solve the problems that they are experiencing.

As much as it may be a daunting idea to come up with good-quality content on such a frequent basis, it is far from impossible. There are several tricks that you can use to make it easier for you.

Always have pen and paper with you

Ideas will fly in and out of your head faster than you think and inspiration can be found in so many different places and by so many different people. The only way that you won't lose the ideas is if you write them down immediately after you think of them. It doesn't really matter how you record the ideas, as long as you record them. If you prefer to record it in a mobile device, that will work well also.

The quality of your writing

Undoubtedly, you have tremendous writing skills. With that said, you may still see that some of your content is better than other content. It may not even be a matter of having an off day. Creativity comes at you as it will, not as you want it to, necessarily. Some of your blog posts will be excellent and some will be incredible. No matter what, all of your writing will be greatly appreciated by your readers.


Writing is a wonderful creative outlet that influences people in a positive way, strengthens your reputation and exposure, and allows you to develop important and long-lasting relationships with others. Remember to stay committed to writing consistently, frequently, and never let the quality slip. If you can do that, you will enjoy tremendous professional success. Additionally, people will react to you much more favorably if your writing flows and it error free. Excellent content will grab your readers and will keep them coming back to you time and time again.

We are pleased to provide you with the insightful comments contained herein. For a free assessment of your online presence, let's have coffee.

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Internet Marketing: Five YouTube Tips for Your Internet Marketing

Because many marketers do not know how to use YouTube for marketing purposes, here are five YouTube tips for your Internet marketing strategy.

1. Use your best video

It can be tempting to upload a quick, half-fast video and hope that it gains millions of views. However, businesses need to take their video marketing campaign seriously, only uploading videos that are high quality. YouTube promotion is great for businesses, but all too often, marketers try to take the cheap route. Poor quality videos only turn potential customers away.

2. Use many tags

The tags box is almost never utilized properly by online marketers. However, the tag box is the greatest tool to help your video become popular or viral. Essentially, you want to include any keywords and keyword phrases that are relevant to your video. You may also want to include tags that, though aren't directly related to your video, are somehow related to your video.

3. Use your video as a video response

Once you have successfully uploaded an informative and engaging video, browse the site for other videos that are both related to your video and popular. Because you can only choose one video to use your video as a video response, you should make sure the other person's video has at least a few thousand views and growing. Once you find a video like that, include yours as a response. This is one YouTube tip that is often overlooked.

4. Market your video presentation

You may have the original files to your video, but you will want to use your actual YouTube uploaded version on your website, blog and social media accounts. You see, once your video has gained so many views on YouTube, it will begin to show up more often in the related videos section. Once that happens, there is a good chance that your video will gain thousands of more views in a short amount of time.

5. Make a powerful description

Like the tag box, the description box can greatly help your video get views. There is evidence, concluded by other popular "YouTubers," that the description box can have a lot to do with a video's popularity. You should include key phrases in the box, but more importantly, the description should be very informative. Hopefully these YouTube marketing tips will help you with your own video marketing campaign. YouTube is a great tool, but you must still use it properly for it to work effectively.

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Are Terracotta Tiles a High-Maintenance Product?

Traditionally made terracotta tiles are, without doubt, beautiful but many people are discouraged from using them in their homes because they are concerned about the high levels of maintenance required to keep them looking good. The thought of sealing the tiles regularly can be a deterrent to many people especially when there are contemporary alternatives such as porcelain tiles which require minimal maintenance, if any.

But there are, in fact, two types of terracotta tiles manufactured now: the more typical unglazed tiles, which do, indeed, require extensive maintenance, but also glazed tiles which require minimal maintenance.

Unglazed terracotta has been used in private homes extensively in the past although it is now less popular simply due to the change in interior trends. The type of maintenance that it required was treatment with linseed oil and wax or sealing with a synthetic sealant. The traditional oil and wax method involved applying several coats of linseed oil with a soft cloth after the tiles were laid but before the grouting was done. The oil would darken the natural terracotta color and once dry the routing was done and was followed by a coat of clear wax.The disadvantage of this method was that the wax needed to be reapplied regularly to maintain the sheen and would eventually have to be stripped off and the waxing process started again. Understandably this is the process that deters people from using terracotta.

The less traditional approach requires applying several coats of a synthetic sealant which can last for up to 3 years and never needs to be stripped back as it can just be applied over the existing sealer to revitalize the finish.

However, neither approach could be termed "low-maintenance" but, fortunately, for those who love the rustic charm and warm tones of terracotta some manufacturers are now manufacturing glazed terracotta tiles which genuinely are low maintenance.

All terracotta tiles are made from a workable mixture of clay and water that is shaped as required and then left to dry naturally before being fired in a kiln. Whilst the technique is ancient there have been considerable improvements in its implementation due to technological advances which have enabled terracotta tiles to be created with a glazed surface.

The clay used to make terracotta tiles is extracted from a quarry and grinding machines are usually used to reduce the clay to a powder. The water is then added to form a paste and the tiles can either be created by hand, for a more rustic look, or by machine, for a sleeker, more modern look.

Once dry the kiln-firing of the tiles is done with the high temperatures making a tougher, more stable glazed terracotta tile. Because of the high-temperature glazing these types of tiles need none of the tedious maintenance procedures that the more traditional, unglazed tiles require. Yet they have the look and feel of a hand made tile with natural variations in color adding to their unique beauty without the maintenance headache.

Glazed terracotta tiles are typically supplied in batches that have a range of colors within the same color spectrum to ensure your floor will never look bland and "too perfect". Mass produced ceramic tiles or porcelain tiles can never achieve this type of unique beauty because every tile is the same.

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Star - Book Review

Tom Peters crafted a moving, educational animal adventure story in his novel Star. This is a dog-lover's fiction - written for a young adult audience. Any young person who loves animals, or wants to own a dog should read this book.

Without preaching, Tom enlightens humans to the plight of dogs. He brings understanding to how they see things and why they behave the way they do. The most moving moral to the story for me was shown through the main character (a dog named Star) whose owners had school, work, play and friends - while Star has only them. It really puts their world into perspective. I was torn and sorrowed by the incidents in the kennel and animal shelter. If I have not been donating enough to these shelters before, I will most certainly endeavor do so now. Hopefully other readers will be equally compelled to help out their local shelters.

Star is a courageous, loving lab-rottweiler cross who goes through many adventures from being 'rescued' from a puppy mill, abandoned in a forest, being stolen by a trucker and used by jewelry thieves. Star ensures a place in the readers heart through his self-less rescue of a little boy and his generous, loving heart.

I do not think a reader could put down this book without being moved by the great heart that Star displayed repeatedly. There are many lessons here for young adults from the dangers in the world, to the plight of pets and the strength of love.

ISBN#: 1553521927 Author: Tom Peters Publisher: Tree Side Press.

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